UISCE Community Engagement

UISCE Community Engagement Initiatives

Digital Community

Our digital communities provide gateways for people, from all backgrounds, to sensitively and creatively discuss, share, and explore the challenges or resistances to peace. It will be a way that people can become aware of, and involved in, UISCE programmes.

Exhibitions for Peace

The ground floor of the Clinton Centre includes a public gallery which we will use to host exhibitions connected with peace studies and to showcase research completed by UISCE programme participants.

Hosting Events

The Intec Centre, our Enniskillen campus study block, adjacent to The Clinton Centre, offers an extensive, well-equipped conference suite and exhibition space which, in addition to hosting UISCE events, will be available to host group events and exhibitions compatible with UISCE’s aims.  

Our community, events and programmes are what really drive UISCE to fulfil its primary aim:

By 2031, to secure the ongoing engagement of 3.5% of the population on Northern Ireland in creatively and sensitively exploring resistances to peacebuilding as resources for transformation.

Your Support

UISCE is a not-for profit company that creatively and sensitively explores resistances to peacebuilding in Northern Ireland as resources to help bring about transformation.

UISCE is independent and receives funding from no “lobbyists”. It relies on donations [goods, services and funds] from individuals, businesses and organisations supportive of its aim.

It is working towards being operationally self-financing from income it can generate through its services [accommodation and facility hire]; and any surplus will be used exclusively to advance UISCE’s aim, with no shareholders nor dividends.

All staff at UISCE are currently volunteers. None receive salaries and all contribute to their food costs.