Fermanagh University Partnership Board & UISCE


Trustees: Dr John Spence, Mr Gary Harold, Mr Sean Henry, Mr John McGowan & Mr Andrew Little.
Address: The Intec Centre, 36 East Bridge Street, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, BT74 7BT
Email: FermanaghUPB@gmail.com

Fermanagh University Partnership Board (FUPB) is a charity registered in Northern Ireland (Charity Number: NIC107361) that focuses on education and local development. FUPB built the Clinton Centre, which was opened by President Bill Clinton in 2002, on the site of the 1987 Enniskillen bomb.

FUPB maintains ownership of the Clinton Center, but the building is under long-term lease to UISCE, a registered non-profit company. FUPB lease the buildings and UISCE runs the operations, with shared visions for the use of the buildings focussed around peace and community.


“FUPB Exists for the facilitation of education, the encouragement of economic development, peace and reconciliation, and support of arts and culture for the benefit of the entire community

Going forward FUPB will be responsible for the preservation, protection and improvement of two historic and significant buildings on the site of The Enniskillen Bomb ensuring they support and host the provision of training, promotion of enterprise and the health and wellbeing of the local, national and international community through a range of organisations and stakeholders.”

— Dr John Spence, Trustee.

FUPB & UISCE Partnership

The FUPB & UISCE relationship is a collaborative operation that has formed a strong local partnership. They are aligned in their missions for economic development, peace and reconciliation in the community with educational and cultural programmes.

FUPB will assist UISCE in the optimal use of the Clinton & Intec Centres. We are planning and fundraising for the refurbishment of the Clinton Centre, which will accommodate the programme participants, volunteers, and host community exhibitions. The Intec Centre, just across the street, will provide exceptional working and studying facilities.

FUPB is also working with UISCE to deliver an educational programme for young and emerging leaders. The aim is to spark leaders in critical thinking and dialogue engaging across the full political spectrum. They will explore the resistances and challenges to peace peacebuilding, creatively and sensitively, as resources for transformation.